
Petra Ernyei Quartet

21. 4. 2024 | Volman Villa


Petra Ernyei - singer, Adam Tvrdý - Guitar, Petr Dvorský - Double bass, Aliaksandr Yasinski - Accordion

"Jazz and Jewish songs"


Guided tour of Volman Villa 16:00

Show starts at 17:00



George Gershwin, Dubose Heyward

Summertime (from the opera Porgy and Bess)

Los bilbilicos / Nightingales

(Traditional Sephardic song)

Michel Legrand, Alan, and Marylin Bergmann

Papa Can You Hear Me?

(song from the movie Yentl )

Scalerica De Oro / Little Golden Ladder

(Traditional Sephardic wedding song)

Harold Arlen, Yip Harburg

Over The Rainbow

(song from the movie The Wizard of Oz)

Naomi Shemer

Yerushalaimshelzahav / Jerusalem of Gold

Hine ma tov u-ma na'im / What Good, what Welfare

(Psalm 133:1)

Drum, drum / Spinkej, spinkej

(Sephardic lullaby)

"When I close my eyes, I see a little girl running between the dining tables at the Jewish Community in Prague. She enthusiastically helps a curly-haired waitress distribute lunches. She receives smiles and caresses from the old men who are seated. Above the entrance to the dining room hangs a photo of Barbra Streisand, who filmed the movie Yentl in Prague in 1983, in which the then little Petra played as an extra. Home smells of pancakes from mom and everywhere there are musicians and dad with a banjo, and I dance and sing and sense that I will always sing…," says singer Petra Ernyei.

Petra Ernyei was born in Prague, her mother a Czech and her father born in England to Hungarian-Slovak parents. She grew up in a musical environment and at the age of 18, she made her first international engagement in the USA at a jazz festival in Sacramento, California. Her singing journey has so far been jazz-oriented (Original Prague Syncopated Orchestra, Prague Swing Orchestra, Petra Ernyei Quartet). Meeting the descendants of the extraordinary personality Doris Grozdanovičová, a Holocaust survivor, was crucial. Petra was asked to sing Jewish songs at her funeral. This inspired Petra to delve more into Jewish music. She performed a program of songs by Jewish authors in synagogues across the Czech Republic as part of the project 10 Stars. In June 2023, she sang at a music festival at the Jewish Center in Vancouver, Canada.

In 2020, she released a CD titled "To jsem já" (This Is Me), dedicated to Jewish authors. It features traditional Hebrew songs, Sephardic, and jazz songs, and also a tribute to singer Barbra Streisand. On the album, she is accompanied by top musicians – guitarist Adam Tvrdý, bassist Petr Dvorský, and accordionist Aliaksandr Yasinski. With these artists, she will perform at the Volman Villa as part of the Everlasting Hope festival.

In the Petra Ernyei Quartet program titled "Songs of Jewish Authors," a new composition inspired by the poems of Ilse Weber, composed specifically for the Everlasting Hope festival, will also be performed.

Festival partners

Realizováno ve spolupráci s Národním divadlem v rámci projektu Musica non grata s podporou Velvyslanectví Spolkové republiky Německo Praha

Musica non grata

General Partner


Festival Partners

ČEPS, a.s.
Ministerstvo kultury ČR
Státní fond kultury


Městská část Praha 1
Hotel Rott

Ve spolupráci

Polský institut Praha

Záštitu převzali

Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj ČR
ministryně pro místní rozvoj, 
paní Klára Dostálová
Ministerstvo kultury
ministr kultury, 
pan Lubomír Zaorálek
Poslanecká sněmovna Parlamentu České republiky
předseda Poslanecké sněmovny Parlamentu ČR,
pan Radek Vondráček
Senát Parlamentu České republiky
předseda Senátu Parlamentu ČR, pan Miloš Vystrčil
Senát parlamentu ČR
předseda Senátu Parlamentu ČR,
pan Miloš Vystrčil
Velvyslanectví Spolkové republiky Německo Praha
Velvyslanec SRN v Praze,
Dr. Christoph Israng
Ustavni soud
předseda Ústavního soudu, 
pan Pavel Rychetský
Ústecký kraj
hejtman Ústeckého kraje, 
pan Jan Schiller
ministryně pro místní rozvoj, paní Klára Dostálová
Ministerstvo kultury ČR
náměstek ministra kultury,
 pan Milan Němeček

Media Partners

Český rozhlas D-dur

Partner of the lecture on 1/3/2023

Winternitz villa

Partner of the concert on 8/3/2023

Stadler-trierNKČRCharitaAlzheimer Home Pitkovice

Concert on 21. 2. 2024 under the auspices of
U.S. Embassy in The Czech Republic

US Embassy

Partner of the concert on 24. 2. 2024
Jewish Museum in Prague

Židovské muzeum

Partner of the concert on 14. 3. 2024
National Library of the Czech Republic

Národní knihovna České republiky

Partner of the concert on 27. 3. 2024
C. Bechstein Pianocentrum Prague

C. Bechstein

The concert on 21. 4. is held in cooperation
with Volman Villa

Volmanova vila

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Personal Connect s.r.o.

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© Nadační fond Hudba pro Věčnou naději
Varšavská 714/38, Vinohrady, 120 00 Prague 2
Contact e-mail: info@vecnanadeje.org
+420 721 585 178 (Irma Mrázková, director of the festival)