
Festival Team

Irma Mrázková

Executive director of the festival, since 2011 executive director of the International Music Festival Třeboňská nocturna, which has been held in Třeboň for 18 years and its winter cycle for 24 years. Over the years it has welcomed famous artists from the Czech and international scene. After studying at the University of Economics in Prague and regular several-month work stays abroad and a subsequent several-year stay in Australia, she worked in tourism and hospitality. After the birth of two children, she devoted herself to culture. In addition to culture, she likes to travel a lot.
"At the beginning of 2020, the stars predestined me for a job offer that changed my life. It happened and I accept this with great humility. The festival brings a difficult topic, countless questions and a large number of inspiring people. I am grateful for this role."

Kristina Vocetková

Kristina Vocetková is the cellist of Trio Bohémo, one of the most prominent European trios of recent years. Since their establishment in 2019, they have received numerous awards on the international scene and successfully perform on important concert stages in Europe, the USA and Australia. "In 2024, I was offered a great challenge that absorbed me from day one. Eternal Hope is a festival that offers not only first-class artistic experiences, but also a deep understanding of the meaning of music and the role it plays in the lives of all people across time, generations and life stages. destinies. I am very honored to be part of such a unique project."

The patronage of the Everlasting Hope (Věčná naděje) 2025 festival was taken over by:

H.E. Bettina Kirnbauer, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the Czech Republic
H.E. Stéphane Crouzat, Ambassador of France to the Czech Republic
Minister of Culture, Mr Martin Baxa

The opening concert on 2 February 2025 will be held under the patronage of the Ambassador of Armenia to the Czech Republic, H.E. Ashot Hovakimian.

Festival partners

Realizováno ve spolupráci s Národním divadlem v rámci projektu Musica non grata s podporou Velvyslanectví Spolkové republiky Německo Praha

Musica non grata

General Partner


Festival Partners

ČEPS, a.s.
Ministerstvo kultury ČR
Státní fond kultury


Městská část Praha 1
Hotel Rott
CLA Czech Republic
Rakouské kulturní forum
OSA logo

Ve spolupráci

Polský institut Praha

Záštitu převzali

Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj ČR
ministryně pro místní rozvoj, 
paní Klára Dostálová
Ministerstvo kultury
ministr kultury, 
pan Lubomír Zaorálek
Poslanecká sněmovna Parlamentu České republiky
předseda Poslanecké sněmovny Parlamentu ČR,
pan Radek Vondráček
Senát Parlamentu České republiky
předseda Senátu Parlamentu ČR, pan Miloš Vystrčil
Senát parlamentu ČR
předseda Senátu Parlamentu ČR,
pan Miloš Vystrčil
Velvyslanectví Spolkové republiky Německo Praha
Velvyslanec SRN v Praze,
Dr. Christoph Israng
Ustavni soud
předseda Ústavního soudu, 
pan Pavel Rychetský
Ústecký kraj
hejtman Ústeckého kraje, 
pan Jan Schiller
ministryně pro místní rozvoj, paní Klára Dostálová
Ministerstvo kultury ČR
náměstek ministra kultury,
 pan Milan Němeček

Media Partners

Respekt logo
Klasika plus logo
Český rozhlas D-dur logo
Opera plus logo
Rádio Classic Praha logo

Partner of the lecture on 1/3/2023

Winternitz villa

Partner of the concert on 8/3/2023

Stadler-trierNKČRCharitaAlzheimer Home Pitkovice

Thank you to

members of the Supporters Club
Personal Connect s.r.o.
Linda Štucbartová

Subscribe to the newsletter

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© Nadační fond Hudba pro Věčnou naději
Varšavská 714/38, Vinohrady, 120 00 Prague 2
Contact e-mail: info@vecnanadeje.org
+420 721 585 178 (Irma Mrázková, director of the festival)