
What's new

13. 6. 2021
Dorůžka - Fischmann - Novák, concert from the Spanish Synagogue on youtube and the Czech Radio Vltava

The recording of the concert Dorůžka - Fischmann - Novák presents unknown songs by Jewish authors from April 25 can be found on the festival youtube channel and also on the Czech Radio Vltava We wish you pleasant watching and listening!  

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25. 3. 2021
You can find a recording of the first concert of this year's Everlasting Hope festival on our YouTube channel today!

We recorded the concert on March 13, 2021 in the Prague Prayer room of the Czech Brethren Evangelical Church in Vinohrady, Prague. Performed by leading Czech musicians - violinist Jiří Vodička, clarinettist Irvin Venyš, pianist Martin Kasík and cellist Jiří Bárta. They played the Lullaby of Gideon Klein, the 5th Cello Suite by Johann Sebastian Bach and the Quartet For […]

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9. 3. 2021
Everasting Hope 2021 in the media and podcast

The March issue of My50 Plus magazine brings a comprehensive article about the spring festival program. Co-founder of the Everasting Hope Fund, lawyer Dr. Martina Jankovská spoke in Tomáš Nezmeškal 's podcast entitled Oldschooler’s. You can also find information about the festival on Classic Praha radio or in the Seznam.cz and other news.

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25. 2. 2021
Announcement of the first concerts of the spring season 2021

Due to the covid pandemic, we cannot meet in person at the concert on March 13 in the Prague prayer room of the Czech Brethren Evangelical Church in Vinohrady.

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25. 2. 2021
We present the documentary Terezín Authors

The Everlasting Hope Festival brings not only music, but also lectures and theatre performances. This year, we presented to the public the documentary about Terezín authors, which introduces not only the music of that period, but also the life and work of composers Pavel Haas, Hans Krása or Gideon Klein and the activities of the Everlasting Hope Endowment […]

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6. 10. 2020
The Everlasting Hope Festival will give the classics hope. But not until February.

In accordance with the latest measures of the Government of the Czech Republic against the spread of coronavirus, the entire Everlasting Hope festival is being postponed. At the same time, the performance of the children's opera Brundibár and a concert in the Klementinum Mirror Chapel, which were supposed to take place as part of the festival on 24 October, will […]

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31. 8. 2020
When a person is his own, he has nothing to lose

Jana Mimrová, a Young Conductor, to Conduct the Opening Concert of Eternal Hope

Her middle name, Cecilia, is after Saint Cecilia, the patroness of music. That is not the only thing that predetermined Jana (26 years young) to become a conductor. She was born in the town of Česká Třebová and raised in a musical environment: her father is a violin player and conductor, mother a pianist, and both are teachers.

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31. 7. 2020
She Saw the Bumble Bee Opera in Theresienstadt as a Child. Now She Introduces it to an Audience.

Michaela Vidláková, born Lauscherová, and her parents were transported to Theresienstadt in December 1942. She celebrated her sixth birthday shortly after arriving there. A series of coincidences and a dose of courage helped her and her parents survive.

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31. 7. 2020
The face of the festival is Vilém Veverka

One of the most successful Czech instrumentalists of his generation, oboe player Vilém Veverka, has become the face of this year’s Eternal Hope festival. The same passion that goes into an uncompromising exploration of the limits of his instrument drives Vilém to beat his own limits in mountain expeditions documented by unique photos.

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31. 7. 2020
Everlasting Hope is part of the Musica non grata project

„Musica Non Grata, a four-year project funded by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is going to sponsor two concerts and one performance of Eternal Hope, a festival of composers not only from Theresienstadt. The project’s objective is to highlight the special importance of the relations between the two countries and to comemorate the group of composers persecuted by the Nazis, and artists with close ties to Prague and the Czech Republic.“

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Festival partners

Realizováno ve spolupráci s Národním divadlem v rámci projektu Musica non grata s podporou Velvyslanectví Spolkové republiky Německo Praha

Musica non grata

General Partner


Festival Partners

ČEPS, a.s.
Ministerstvo kultury ČR
Státní fond kultury


Městská část Praha 1
Hotel Rott

Ve spolupráci

Polský institut Praha

Záštitu převzali

Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj ČR
ministryně pro místní rozvoj, 
paní Klára Dostálová
Ministerstvo kultury
ministr kultury, 
pan Lubomír Zaorálek
Poslanecká sněmovna Parlamentu České republiky
předseda Poslanecké sněmovny Parlamentu ČR,
pan Radek Vondráček
Senát Parlamentu České republiky
předseda Senátu Parlamentu ČR, pan Miloš Vystrčil
Senát parlamentu ČR
předseda Senátu Parlamentu ČR,
pan Miloš Vystrčil
Velvyslanectví Spolkové republiky Německo Praha
Velvyslanec SRN v Praze,
Dr. Christoph Israng
Ustavni soud
předseda Ústavního soudu, 
pan Pavel Rychetský
Ústecký kraj
hejtman Ústeckého kraje, 
pan Jan Schiller
ministryně pro místní rozvoj, paní Klára Dostálová
Ministerstvo kultury ČR
náměstek ministra kultury,
 pan Milan Němeček

Media Partners

Český rozhlas D-dur

Partner of the lecture on 1/3/2023

Winternitz villa

Partner of the concert on 8/3/2023

Stadler-trierNKČRCharitaAlzheimer Home Pitkovice

Concert on 21. 2. 2024 under the auspices of
U.S. Embassy in The Czech Republic

US Embassy

Partner of the concert on 24. 2. 2024
Jewish Museum in Prague

Židovské muzeum

Partner of the concert on 14. 3. 2024
National Library of the Czech Republic

Národní knihovna České republiky

Partner of the concert on 27. 3. 2024
C. Bechstein Pianocentrum Prague

C. Bechstein

The concert on 21. 4. is held in cooperation
with Volman Villa

Volmanova vila

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Personal Connect s.r.o.

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© Nadační fond Hudba pro Věčnou naději
Varšavská 714/38, Vinohrady, 120 00 Prague 2
Contact e-mail: info@vecnanadeje.org
+420 721 585 178 (Irma Mrázková, director of the festival)